A lot of people don’t want to post their work and not because of confidentiality, but because of accountability.
People don’t want to be held accountable to their work and opinions. They want to have them but they don’t want to put them down on paper.
And this is even more true of those working in the NBA than those looking to work in the NBA.
My recommendation: post your work.
Find creative outlets to get your work noticed. Use social media. Start a website.
Even if very few people are looking, liking, commenting on your work, just the practice of it is beneficial to your growth and thought process.
I’ve known multiple people who’ve gotten hired for NBA jobs or internships because they started a website, posted on X (Twitter) or LinkedIn, and put their work on display.
It’s a vulnerable thing to hold an opinion and post it for all to see. Or to do work and have people evaluate it. But the other option is for no one to see it at all.
As you post your work, not only will you refine your work and process, you’ll be able to show your growth in presentation. And when you get an entry level position in the NBA, it won’t be your opinion that they’re worried about, they will want you to be able to help them present their opinions and work. So the process of creating presentations and formatting your thought process may go even farther than the opinion and work itself.
Recommendation: pick an NBA team and evaluate their first 10 games. Write a 10 game review. Choose a side of basketball you are passionate about… stats / analytics, salary cap (what moves should the team be looking to make / planning for), player development / coaching (write reports for growth development plans of players), scouting (what moves should the team be looking to make moving forward)… what kind of job do you want in the NBA? How can you show that you are already capable of it?
(Feel free to tag us @getinthegame101 on your work and we will gladly re-post it)