Everyone knows that it’s hard, nearly impossible to get a job in the NBA without some kind of networking. When it comes down to it, getting your foot in the door is going to be because of a particular relationship. That doesn’t mean resumes and cover letters and applications are unimportant. Oftentimes, those are the first steps to making a connection.
I always say on here, I’m not a networker. I don’t like networking. And most of you that I hear from, say the exact same thing.
But if I’m to be honest, just because I don’t like networking, doesn’t mean I haven’t done it. In fact, to get my foot in the door, I had to reach out to some people, I had to cold call, I had to send e-mails, I had to show up at offices. It was part of the process of meeting people and often it was those people who introduced me to the next people.
I took an on-line course. The teacher liked me and the questions I asked. They told the company hosting the course about me. They referred me to an NBA team. I got my first interview.
I e-mailed a NCAA Coach. I showed up at his office. I shared my dreams. He let me come to practices and observe. He began introducing me to others.
I never asked anyone to introduce me to someone else. I tried to meet as many people as I could and often, they would then refer me to someone else I should talk to. Or when a position came available, they would let me know.
And that became my style of networking for the non-networker.
Make As Many Personal Connections as You Can
Build Relationships Beyond Basketball
Don’t Ask For Further Connections
The thing that we all learn in time is that personal connections and relationships beyond basketball are so much more meaningful than a networking connection.
And when you build a meaningful relationship, you’re gonna look out for each other. You don’t need to ask for further connections because that other person has your best interests in mind.
If you’re not a networker, like me, just do your best to build some meaningful relationships. And in the long-term, I think those will serve you even better.
GET IN THE GAME 101 Training Camp 2022-2023 (w/ Full Season Option)
Our next Course has arrived! We will have a 4-week NBA Training Camp course. This course will get you ready for the NBA season by introducing you to those who’ve worked in the NBA in Coaching, Front Office, Medical, Training, Analytics, and more! These experts will share their experiences, answer your questions, and help guide you in your next steps.
We will also have a Full Season option that will take place from November – May (first Wednesday of the month). In this extended training option, you will select an NBA to follow throughout the year. You will then become an expert on the team’s roster, salary cap, & knowledge of their G-League team. You will create trade proposals, prepare a Free Agent list, and more! (In effect: creating a portfolio you can share with NBA teams as you look for a job.)
For more information or questions, e-mail us at info@getinthegame101.com