Simple answer is, now is the time to find out the time.
Teams will be hiring interns for the 2022-2023 season anytime from now through the start of the next NBA season.
So the trick is, to find the timeline for each team.
That’s not something that’s easy or that anyone can just tell you. It’s not even something you’re likely to find on a website.
So what do you need to do?
Do your research.
*Check teams websites
*Keep up with people on LinkedIn
*Call / email team HR departments
*Call / email team Video Coordinators
*Call / email team Director of Basketball Operations
*If you have a connection with a team, ask if they have a timeline
You don’t want to be pushy, but you do want to keep your name in the mix when they start doing interviews.
When I was helping to hire interns for the Trail Blazers, I did informal interviews throughout the whole season. Once May and June hit, we started to plan who we would meet at Summer League in July and set up Zooms with those who couldn’t make it to Summer League. From there, some were hired at Summer League and others would be hired as the process went on through October.
For me personally, when I landed my internship, my first interviews were in August / September and I was hired late October (during Training Camp). But some interns are already being hired for next season. So that’s where the key is, to do your homework on each team’s process. Now is the time, to find out the time. All the best to you!
Appreciate this article John! I currently work in program management at adidas but working in the front office for an NBA has been my dream since I was a kid. Would love an opportunity to talk about potential ways to get connect with the Blazers if you ever have any extra time! My twitter handle is @trebirdy