Every week or so, I will get a message or e-mail, “I read your work, I applied what I learned and I got a job, thank you!”
And that means the world to me because that’s what it’s all about, helping the next person. I think many would be surprised at how many people working in the NBA actually want to help the next person. The reason is… we were all helped. Unless you played in the NBA, had a dad who worked/played in the NBA, or are 7’ tall, you likely had someone give you a chance.
When I host my on-line courses, I am always amazed at my guest teachers who openly share their contact info, come back to class to share again, and are so willing to help others. The NBA community can be tough to break into, but when you get in, you’ll find a lot of incredible people.
Another question I often get is, “How can I get back into the NBA?”
And to that, the answer is simple, and often not what some want to hear.
I went from doing everything possible to get an interview… to then being on the inside and interviewing prospect interns, giving tips, writing articles, and in a sense, creating a playbook of how to get a job in the NBA. It doesn’t mean everyone will get one, but I feel it can give you the best possible opportunity.
But the playbook to get back in the NBA is simple… relationships.
There are basics to getting an interview in the NBA… meet others working in the NBA, work on your skillset, gain experience… all things that help lead to an interview. But once you’ve worked in the NBA, in a sense, none of that matters. What matters is the relationships you built while you worked in the NBA.
If you want to work in the NBA one day, I can offer some guidance.
And for those trying to get back into the NBA, there’s not a lot of tips. Would someone you worked with prior hire/recommend you again? That’s pretty much the only question worth asking. The person who can help you is the person you worked with before.