I have seen a lot of different approaches to an NBA/NCAA/Basketball off season. There is not a right or wrong way to do it but there are some things that need to happen.
1. Recharge
Yes, it is super important to take time off in the off season! I recommend doing things outside of basketball that are fulfilling to you. Spend time with your family, community, and friends. Travel. Explore. Vacation. Basketball season is long. Hours are long. Make sure to come back to the next season ready to dive in all the way. This is key to keeping you from burnout. If you enjoy and flourish during your off season, you can thrive when you are in season.
2. Learn a New Skill
You’ve seen how NBA players often will use the off season to add a post-up package to their game, or a stepback 3, or whatever new move James Harden comes up with to draw a foul. It’s the same for an employee.