Thank you for sending in your Summer & Summer League Questions. You can find the answers to these in our previous article.
And below, we will dive into those answers a little further…
Is it too early to look for NBA Internships?
Why do I say the time is always… now?
The wheelhouse of hiring interns is from July (Summer League) – September. But as many people as you talk to regarding the hiring process, there are still two keys that have to sign off even if the staff wants to hire you. Those two keys are generally the GM and HR. HR is always in the office but the GM can be hit or miss of tracking down to get a sign off. This is why it can move quickly at SL or it can drag through October. It is not typically a priority for them.
So be patient. Keep in touch with your contacts during the process, but don’t overwhelm them. There is only so much they can do.