What I’m Reading: Atomic Habits by James Clear
One of the most often questions I get asked isn’t about getting a job in the NBA but, “What books do you recommend?”
I love this question because it shows more than a ‘I want a job!,’ it shows a ‘I want to grow’ mentality. It shows someone who is well-rounded and is looking to develop their whole person, which will make you better at any job or opportunity that comes your way.
GITG101 started our first book club and have been going through Atomic Habits by James Clear. It’s always one of the books I recommend. It will help you establish healthy habits and rhythms in your life to be successful along whatever path you choose.
What I’m Listening to: GM Shuffle with Michael Lombardi
“As you get older, you learn to appreciate your growing time. You wanna hurry up and get to the top of the mountain but to me, it’s more about appreciation of the climb. It’s about falling in love with the process.” – Michael Lombardi
When you get older, some of the things you will look back on the most favorably will be… the jobs you didn’t get, the setbacks you had, your growth in the trials.
I showed up in cities to meet NBA personnel. I slept on couches. I lived off of protein bars. When I look back on my personal journey of getting into the NBA, there’s no way I would do that now. But it sure is a cool thing to look back on the process and journey a young John took to make it to the League. It’s somewhat of a badge of honor to have slept on couches to make it to the NBA. You’ll see Interns all over the NBA pulling out mattresses from under their desks, sleeping in the team theater, or the cafeteria couches… all to make sure they’re the last one and the first one there.
It's not about showing off but it is about sacrifice. And not just sacrifice for sacrifice sake. But becoming the person capable of overcoming anything on the way to your destination. No matter where you’re headed, it’s the process and journey that you’ll learn to cherish the most.
What I Will Be Watching: Starting 5 on Netflix
Okay, so I’m not quite watching it yet, but I will be! If it’s anything like their Quarterback series, we know it’s going to be great. And the reason I drop it on here now is that just like the book club, we’re going to launch a documentary club as well. We’ll have a Slack channel and hop on a Zoom call to break down Starting 5. If you want to be added to the channel, simply message us at info@getinthegame101.com
What’s Next:
Our NBA Training Camp Course is Up Next! We are excited to launch one of our favorite courses to help you get ready for the NBA season. We will bring in NBA personnel (we even had an NBA General Manager who took his team to the Conference Finals last season come in!) for you to chat with as well as having your own portfolio to start building out to help prepare you in interviews for next season.
We are running a discount for all that sign up by this Sunday, the 15th, use EARLYBIRD for 20% off.
We sure hope to see you there! E-mail me with any questions at john@getinthegame101.com
Course will take place on Zoom, Oct 1, 8, 15, 22. 5-7p PT / 8-10p ET