What I’m Listening to: Danny Ainge on the Knuckleheads Podcast
I subscribe to around 25+ basketball podcasts, likely similar to yourself. There’s probably just a handful that I religiously listen through and then there are those I check and see who the guests are or skim through it. Knuckleheads falls under that category. But their pod with Danny Ainge was a must-listen.
From learning Danny’s background, how he got the job with the Celtics, what he’s learned… there’s a lot of nuggets to be unearthed here.
These relationships you build with people over the years, you never know what will become of them. For me, that’s what set up the rest of my life. I didn’t seek any of those jobs.
What I’ve learned now… 25 years later, there are a lot of ways to build a team, there’s not one way… obviously you need a lot of talent, and then you need to be able to communicate and get a lot out of that talent. Try to create a winning culture, it’s not easy to do.
Young players want to earn the respect of their peers, and then make an all-star team and then get paid… and then after all that, they want to win. It doesn’t mean you didn’t want to win earlier, but you want to win on your terms, your way, your timeline and then you get to 30 and it’s all about winning.
What I’m Reading: Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert
Big Magic (a book originally recommended by my sister Angie) is another book that is a re-read for me. Elizabeth’s books have a way of not only entertaining but capturing the imagination and what could be, in a practical way.
“Do whatever brings you to life, then. Follow your own fascinations, obsessions, and compulsions. Trust them. Create whatever causes a revolution in your heart.”
“You can measure your worth by your dedication to your path, not by your successes or failures.”
“So this, I believe, is the central question upon which all creative living hinges: Do you have the courage to bring forth the treasures that are hidden within you?”
“It’s a simple and generous rule of life that whatever you practice, you will improve at.”
“What do you love doing so much that the words failure and success essentially become irrelevant?”
Who I’m Seeing: Nutritionist
If you are privileged enough to work with a sports program, you likely have access to a nutritionist. And even if you don’t, there is likely a nutritionist in your area you can work with (or you can find one on-line).
With sports teams expanding their staffs, it is an amazing opportunity for you to learn from many different people. I loved talking to our sports scientists, data analysts, trainers, and well, basically anyone on the staff. One person who can make a profound impact on your life is a nutritionist.
Even though I had access to the Trail Blazers nutritionist, I had a friend, Leslie, who had become a nutritionist so I decided to give her a visit. She had me write down everything I ate and drank for 3 days along with other functions of the body and then we came back together to go over it.
I’ve always been an overall pretty healthy guy who takes care of himself. But my nutritionist gave me some small tweaks that affected my daily routine in a very positive way. From realizing how much additional protein I needed in my diet (eliminated afternoon headaches) to recommending blue light glasses (game changer for Video Coordinators) in the evening (positively impacted my nightly sleep). We met up regularly while I tweaked my diet and now I do a check-in every 6 months to a year.
Thank you for your continued insights and recommendations! Keep ‘em coming!