3 Current NBA Internship Opportunities You Should Know About
When Should I start reaching out to NBA teams about internship opportunities
“When Should I start reaching out to NBA teams about internship opportunities?,” I am frequently asked.
The answer, almost always, is NOW. Now is always the best time to reach out. Teams may not be offering internships right now but you can always gather more information in the now.
There are 3 different opportunities you should be contacting NBA teams to find out about:
1. 2023-2024 Internships
The standard ‘NBA Internships’ are the ones that begin around September or October and go through the end of the NBA season or NBA Draft. These are mainly the Video Internships, Basketball Operations Internships, and Analytics Internships.
Each team handles these differently. The hiring process varies from team to team. It is important for you to contact teams directly to find out what their hiring process is. Are they taking applications? Are they doing interviews at Summer League? Are they hiring now? Or later in the summer? You should be in an information gathering stage
2. 2023 Summer Internships
Some teams will have summer internships available. These may be geared around summer support staff, NBA Draft, NBA Free Agency, or something else. Again, you’ll need to contact teams directly to see if they have any of these opportunities. Some of these get posted on-line and some do not. Some are formal positions and sometimes, someone on the staff might just like you enough to ‘create’ an opportunity for you.
3. 2023 Summer League Opportunities
Oftentimes, teams will take a couple of helping hands with them for Summer League. This is a fantastic opportunity to get 2+ weeks of real experience with an NBA team and staff. Many of you are already going to Summer League but if you can get on with an NBA team, all the better. They’ll likely pay for your trip and lodging and you will still have the opportunity to meet and connect with others while you are there.
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But how do we get these internships or opportunities to work at the summer league? No one answers the phones or emails
That is definitely a challenge. Getting someone on the phone or e-mail takes persistence - often contacting the DOBO, HR, people directly related to a position. It doesn't guarantee a response but you are correct in the fact that it is tough. Continue to network and make connections, oftentimes it is someone who knows someone who can give you a direct line.